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​利用規約 English

この規約は FREIHEIT GAMES の提供するゲーム全般をご利用頂く際の取扱いについて定めるものです。




FREIHEIT GAMES が提供する各サービス内で使用される素材(画像、音声、テキスト、その他)には、以下の手段で制作されたものが含まれます。

- 開発者自身による制作

- 外部委託による制作

- 無料または有料のアセット

- AIサービスを利用して生成された素材



・FREIHEIT GAMES はゲーム情報の共有及び不具合の報告等を行うスペースとしてDiscordサーバーを設けており、利用者はそれらを主とした正当な使用目的である場合に限りサーバーへの参加が可能であるとします。

・Discordサーバー内の自由にチャットを行えるチャンネルにおいて、FREIHEIT GAMES や他の利用者に対し一切の迷惑行為をしてはならないものとします。

・Discordサーバーの不当な利用や迷惑行為が認められた利用者に対し、FREIHEIT GAMES の判断により忠告及び強制退会の処理を行うものとします。




・利用者は、ゲーム内で発行された情報の不正使用によって、FREIHEIT GAMES または第三者へ損害を与えた場合、対象者に対し当該損害を賠償するものとします。 
GAMES は責任を負わないものとします。 

・FREIHEIT GAMES または第三者の知的財産権を侵害する行為を禁止します。
・FREIHEIT GAMES または第三者の信用を不当に差別もしくは誹謗中傷する行為を禁止します。
・FREIHEIT GAMES または第三者の財産を侵害する行為、侵害する恐れのある行為を禁止します。
GAMES または第三者に経済的損害を与える行為を禁止します。

GAMES が不適切と判断する行為を禁止します。

・FREIHEIT GAMES は、提供するゲームが全ての情報端末に対応していることを保証するものではなく、端末によっては正常に動作しない可能性がある事を、利用者はあらかじめ了承するものとします。
・FREIHEIT GAMES は、OSのバージョンアップ等のゲームの外的要因による後発的な不具合が生じた場合に、確実な不具合の解消を保証するものではありません。
GAMES は、各ゲームの問題改善及び品質向上に出来る限りの力を注いで参りますが、経営上の諸事情により、止む無くサポートを停止する可能性がある事を利用者はあらかじめ了承するものとします。

・利用者と他の利用者との間の紛争及びトラブルについては、両者同士の責任で解決するものとし、FREIHEIT GAMES は一切の責任を負いません。
・利用者は、ゲームの利用に関連し他の利用者に損害を与えた場合、自己の費用と責任において損害を賠償または解決するものとし、FREIHEIT GAMES には一切の迷惑や損害を与えないものとします。
・FREIHEIT GAMES は、ゲームを利用したことにより直接的または間接的に利用者に発生した損害について、一切賠償責任を負いません。

・FREIHEIT GAMES は、本規約の内容を改定する必要があった場合、各種SNS及び当サイト等にて改定を行う通知を行ったのち、改定を適用するものとします。



2024年9月8日 改定

Terms of Use

This translation was generated using AI, and there may be inaccuracies or incompleteness in the content. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact the administrator.


This agreement defines the handling of all games provided by FREIHEIT GAMES.

Please use our games only after agreeing to this agreement.

  • Users can use the game only after agreeing to this agreement.

  • A usage contract is established when the user installs the game on a smartphone or other information terminal and starts playing.

  • Use of Materials, Posting, and Streaming

The materials (images, audio, text, and others) used within the services provided by FREIHEIT GAMES include the following:

- Created by the developer themselves

- Produced by external contractors

- Free or paid assets

- Materials generated using AI services

The copyrights for these materials (excluding AI-generated content) belong to their respective creators and providers. The extraction and redistribution or commercial use of these materials themselves is not permitted.

Posting game screenshots, gameplay videos, live streaming, fan art, and other derivative works are welcomed as long as they are for non-commercial purposes (not for commercial use such as selling the works directly as products, but secondary advertising revenue generated through the platforms where they are posted or streamed is acceptable) and do not contain defamatory or inappropriate content.

  • FREIHEIT GAMES has set up a Discord server as a space for sharing game information and reporting bugs, and users can join the server only for legitimate purposes.

  • In the free chat channels within the Discord server, users must not cause any inconvenience to FREIHEIT GAMES or other users.

  • If a user is found to be misusing the Discord server or causing inconvenience, FREIHEIT GAMES may issue a warning or force the user to leave at its discretion.

  • Inquiries related to the development side (work-related discussions, development environment, collaborators, various materials, etc.) should be communicated directly to the representative without using the Discord channel.

  • Users are responsible for managing the information issued in the game (player ID, data transfer code, etc.). Users must not duplicate this information for purposes other than changing their device or restoring play data (e.g., restoring to manipulate random results) or transfer it to a third party.

  • If excessive access from the same IP is detected during the data transfer process, it will be considered an attack, and the user agrees in advance that the related data will be deleted and the IP will be blocked. The conditions for taking action are described in the game that supports data transfer.

  • Users must not engage in or promote any actions considered fraudulent, such as tampering with game data or misusing transfer data.

  • If a user causes damage to FREIHEIT GAMES or a third party due to the misuse of the information issued in the game, the user shall compensate the affected party for the damage.

  • FREIHEIT GAMES is not responsible for any trouble caused by the user's mismanagement of information, such as errors, loss, or invalidation due to mismanagement.

  • Actions that infringe on the intellectual property rights of FREIHEIT GAMES or a third party are prohibited.

  • Actions that unfairly discriminate against or defame the reputation of FREIHEIT GAMES or a third party are prohibited.

  • Actions that infringe or are likely to infringe on the property of FREIHEIT  GAMESor a third party are prohibited.

  • Actions that cause economic damage to FREIHEIT GAMES or a third party are prohibited.

  • The use of harmful programs or actions that induce their use is prohibited.

  • Attacks on the servers, systems, or security related to our site and games are prohibited.

  • Any other actions deemed inappropriate by FREIHEIT GAMES are prohibited.

  • FREIHEIT GAMES does not guarantee that the games provided are compatible with all information terminals, and users acknowledge in advance that they may not work properly on some devices.

  • FREIHEIT GAMES does not guarantee the resolution of any issues that arise due to external factors affecting the game, such as OS updates.

  • While FREIHEIT GAMES will make every effort to improve and enhance the quality of each game, users acknowledge in advance that support may be discontinued due to business reasons.

  • Disputes and troubles between users are to be resolved by the parties involved, and FREIHEIT GAMES bears no responsibility.

  • If a user causes damage to another user in connection with the use of the game, the user shall compensate or resolve the damage at their own expense and responsibility, without causing any inconvenience or damage to FREIHEIT GAMES.

  • FREIHEIT GAMES is not liable for any direct or indirect damages incurred by users as a result of using the game.

  • If FREIHEIT GAMES needs to revise the contents of this agreement, it will notify the revision through various SNS and our site, and then apply the revision.

  • Users are deemed to have agreed to the revised terms of use when they use the game after the changes.


Privacy Policy


Revised on September 8, 2024.

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